Sunday, August 28, 2005

Second Chances & Work-related bullshit

Return of the Nubian Princess

So good news. I went to a party and met a really cool younger guy. He was funny, shy and intelligent and we spent two days together doing absolutely nothing but having a great time together. I think the time apart and me slowly moving forward to experience someone new triggered something in my partner. That was an aha-told-ya-you'd-miss-me-moment. Yeah, partners can be slow that way. They finally come to their senses and realize that you're the shit and what the fuck were they thinking. We had a great conversation and decided to work slowly and move ahead and see what happens. I'm relieved, happy, apprehensive and psyched that we're doing this. Real love takes a lot of out of you. Most people are divorced in this country due to a lack of appreciation for their partners, not being honest about sex and many other issues. My partner was initially upset and sorrowful about my move forward...but he later said that he was supportive of me finding what I needed and enjoying it. He realized that if you don't give enough, you'll lose a lot. I learned the same lesson.

My best friend just moved to a new city to explore a job opportunity and get out of a messy workplace. Both of deciphered the hard way that in the workplace, trust no one. Those bitchy queens will fuck with you, ostracize you, and do everything in their power to be sly and fake as a pair of implants about how they really feel. These round-about, ass-backward meetings that waste time; passive-agressive behavior coming from those who should know better compiled with adolescent and unprofessional tactics drives me up the fucking wall...I breathed a sigh of relief and let it all go. In the end, who really cares? We're all going to die, life will move on without our bullshit. What you do at work today won't matter in the long run.

Things fall apart (according to a kick-ass Roots album) and you have control over nothing. I'm prepping to travel for a meeting and I'm looking forward to getting away and enjoying the excursion/work. Sometimes we get so wrapped in the details that we lose sight of why we're here: to live, love and eat/drink our existence away. What's wrong with that?

I'm up late and in a great mood. My buddy made it to NYC with her boyfriend and I so need to catch up with her tomorrow. I've missed her energy. Well, I'm off to catch up to the important things in life: celebrity gossip, the war crawling up Bush's ass and Take it easy.


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